Steps of how to wax for wood floor

A lot of consumers  choose  wood floor in indoor floor now, wood floor is a product of natural wood, the appearance is good-looking and practical, and even barefoot is not cold also. So what are the steps of wood floor waxing?

I. Steps of  wax wood floor

1. Clean the floor.

Before waxing , we need to clean the wood floor surface, we can use a vacuum cleaner to clean up the tiny  detritus  and dust on the wood floor, and then use the diluted  neutral cleaner to wipe the wood floor surface.

Steps of how to wax for wood floor (2)

2. Dry the floor.After the wood floor is cleaned up, you need to dry it before waxing.

3. Formal waxing.

After the wood floor is completely dry, we can start waxing . Before waxing, we need to stir well, and then daub along the lines on the floor. We can use a specialized wax mop also, more simple and convenient.

Steps of how to wax for wood floor (1)

4. Dry the floor. After waxing, you can not walk on the wood floor before  dry, and the general dry time is between 20 minutes to an hour.

II. Matters needing attention  before and after the waxing

1. It is best to waxed in sunny days, because rainy days are wet, waxing will make wood floor white .

Steps of how to wax for wood floor (3)

2. Clean up the debris and dust on the wood floor.

3. Wood floor waxing is best once every half a year to better ensure the service life of the floor.

4. Do not casually throw dirt, sprinkle water, cigarette head and hard items on the wood floor after waxing.

Steps of how to wax for wood floor (4)

2. Clean up the debris and dust on the wood floor.

3. Wood floor waxing is best once every half a year to better ensure the service life of the floor.

4. Do not casually throw dirt, sprinkle water, cigarette head and hard items on the wood floor after waxing.

Post time: Oct-17-2022